
Monday, February 23, 2009

Hand burned by hot water

Hot pot water can cause serious 2nd degree burnt on children, beware.
Dip burnt area in icy cold water. If serious, need to go to hospital immediately and require hospitalization.

Pic of 2nd degree burnt with outer layer of skin came off, yellowish fluid dripping down.

After applying collagen in operating theater, burnt area requires to dry for healing by using hairdryer. Hand requires lifting up high above chest area in order for the skin to heal faster and to avoid rubbing on clothing.

After 1 week, top layer started to dry up and healed.

After 1 month, new pinkish white skin grows out.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Panasonic Pore Cleanser with Micro-fine Mist

Panasonic Pore Cleanser with Micro-fine Mist

I saw this Panasonic pore cleanser at Jusco and was tempted to buy. After reading pros and cons from consumer reviews, I decided to give it a try. It works well by sucking out whiteheads and blackheads on nose, chin and little area on forehead. The suction is too strong on face which can get bruises on cheek area. It works best after being in sauna where pores on face are all open up well for suction. It helps to suck out excess oil deep inside the pores so as to control blackheads from forming. You’re able to view the amount of oil being sucked out on the suction cup, which is easy to clean.

The cost is less than one time of going to facial, and you can do it as often as you like at home, not too bad. Actually I don’t really like to go facial where beauticians always like to do extraction by using their finger nails squeezing blackheads out as hard as they could. It’s painful but yet paying them alot to suffer..

I would recommend this cleanser for those who would like to control blackheads from forming on nose, though it might not be suitable for certain skin type. Do read instructions carefully before using it.

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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Cheap and amazingly good method to clear up pimples, bumpy skin.

Cut a few small size bitter gourds in half and take seeds out.
Boil bitter gourds with little barley and rock sugar in water for an hour.
Drink continuously for 2 days, you will see your skin on face all clear up.
Effective method to get rid of pimples and clear up skin.

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Friday, September 15, 2006

SKII products contains banned ingredients chromium and neodymium

Read news that SKII products contain chromium and neodymium, which can cause skin allergy and rashes, irritation to eyes.
It can also damage lungs and cause lung cancer. SaSa cosmetic stores have already removed SKII products from shelves.

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Monday, July 31, 2006

Cosmetics that Contain Phthalates Can Cause Damage to Your Body

Remember to check the ingredients before buying cosmetics, perfume, fragrant, deordorants, hair spray...
Long term exposure can cause damage to liver, kidney, lungs, and reproductive systems.

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Recipe with Natural Ingredients to Get Rid of Your Pimples and Lighten Your Skin

Try this cheap with natural ingredients for your beauty and health.
Boil barley
and sweet corn with some sugar in water for 15 mins. Drink it once a week.
This recipe can help to clear pimples on your face and lighten your skin.

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